How to break Windows Password?

Note: This article is only for educational purposes .Any mistake might end up in a bad behavior.Do it at your own risk.You, yourself will be responsible for any damage done.

How to Break\Bypass Windows Password?

In this article I will show you how you can break a windows password in case you have forgotten it, or whatever.
     All you need is a an application known as 'Windows Password & Reg editor', and some other stuff listed below:
  1. The software 'Win7 Password&Reg editor'.
  2. An empty CD ( and a CD-Writer), or
  3. A USB flash drive.
So now I will discuss about the features of this software.
  • It can easily manage your password.
  • You can edit your password.
  • You can delete your password
  • You can edit or delete it even without knowing the old password.
  • You don't have to be logged in to this.
  • It has a command line UI ( User Interface ).
  • It supports all versions of Windows, I mean from Windows NT to 8 and maybe it will support later versions.
No need to worry that it has a command line UI, step-by-step procedure is given below.

So, How does it works?, some background information!
 Microsoft's operating system, Windows stores its user's information ( which includes password and some other stuff ) in a file called 'SAM', which does not means 'Surface-to-Air Missiles", it stand for Security Accounts Manager.It is located in \WINDOWS\system32\config\.It is not easily accessible and editable.

OK, now for the procedure.


1.) The first step is not easy but not much hard, actually standard users may not understand it.You need to make a bootable CD or USB.
          The software does not changes whether you use a USB or CD, but what I want to tell is that not much computer's BIOS supports booting from a USB drive, but approximately all of them support CD boot.
  • Download the software here.
  • A zip file will be downloaded.Extract it.
  • In the extracted folder, you will get an ISO file named 'cd110511.iso'.
  • For CD just simply burn it , for USB extract it and copy all files (not folder) to your USB drive and follow the next step only for USB.
  • Open command prompt (cmd.exe).Type the following:
                   h:\syslinux.exe -ma h:
Note: Replace h with your USB\CD's drive letter.
After all that, now your USB\CD is ready for boot process.

2.) Now its time for the boot process.
Insert your USB or CD into your computer and then restart it.If it asks automatically to boot from CD\DVD or USB then press any key to continue, or it may even boot without even asking.If it does not asks or boots automatically, go to your BIOS settings and then boot from CD\DVD.As I told earlier not much computers support USB boot.

3.) The first screen will be as below:

Press 'enter' to continue.

4.) In the next screen it will ask you to select the drive in which the Windows is installed.

The drives will be listed with numbers, the name will not be displayed ( C:\ or D:\) you may remember the size of it in MB.Type the number and press 'enter'.If it finds the Windows in it, it will display a success message.It will automatically detect the 'config' folder but will ask for confirmation so if it already written then just press 'enter' otherwise type WINDOWS\system32\config.

5.) After that it will give you a list of account name on the Windows.Type the name of the account you want the password to be removed.After typing it press 'enter' key.

6.) When you press enter key, it will load the SAM file and will ask you that which operation you want to apply on it.Press '1' to edit user data and then press 'enter'.

7.) Now it will display a user edit menu.So if you just want to clear the password, press '1'.If you want to edit\change password press '2', it won't ask for the old password, so you just need to enter the new one.I'm going for clear password.

8.) Now it will display a message which will say 'Password cleared'. Now to exit editing press exclamation mark key '!' to quit editing. Now you will be transfered to user edit menu again. Press 'q' to exit.

9.) Now it will ask you to save the configuration\changes you have made. Press 'y' to save else press 'n'. I'm saving it so I can complete the tutorial. The message will be "Step 4: Writing back changes" , so don't get confused.

10.) Now if anything that you missed, you can do it again, press 'y' for it. Or if your editing has completed press 'n'. Now finally end this session by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del. Take out the CD\USB, because it is going to restart. Now you will see a change and that is the password is gone( If you have done everything accurately).

Hope you find it useful! And please leave your comments if you like it!.

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