

Rusted Byte.

 Rusted byte is a site which publishes articles all about Technology, softwares , Computer Science, Computer tricks, Window's tweaks and much more stuff of this kind. Everything here , will be useful to any people who always want to learn something new about the above stuff.
           There is a page where you can learn many new things related to Computer terminology, it is known as 'Rustedbyte Explains', where the articles are kept which can help anyone learn new things about computers and also other sciences.The title of the articles usually starts with the word 'What'.

    And there is a page where you can learn different ways to customize your OS( Operating System) and much more. It is known as 'Customizations'. You will find many interesting things there.

 Also for tweaks, tricks and many How-to guides there is a page where all these kind of articles are listed. It is named 'How-to'. 

What is our purpose?

Our only purpose is to spread knowledge all over the world without getting any money.
After all,
 "If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it."
                                                                                            -Margaret fuller
and also,
 "All men by nature desire knowledge."
Sometimes reading the articles you may get confused but remember,
 "Perplexity(confusion) is the beginning of knowledge."
                                                                                  -Khalil gibran
and ofcourse ,
 "To be absolutely certain about something, one must know everything or nothing about it."
                                                                                                                                  -Olin miller
OK , enough quotations. Lets move.

Is Rusted byte really rusted? 

 No its is not actually rusted, but it was the only good name we could have thought of. Every else we chose was already in use.

Who are we?

We are a group of uncommon people. 

Are we really we?

In this website, sometimes I have used the word 'we' or 'us', but the fact is that there are no we, its just only me. I'm alone writing and designing this website, just for learning and experience.

Final words

Please tell us about anything you like, dislike, or have any suggestions which we can use for improvements. And also report any problems, mistakes, or broken links.

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