How to change background image of Windows Media Player 12?

Change Background image of Windows Media player 12

In this article I will show that How you can change the Background Image of your Windows Media Player 12(WMP 12).Windows Media Player is included only in Windows 7, not in any of the previous versions.Although it is possible to change the background image of media player in the earlier version of Windows but it is not that easy, just a little bit harder.
         Its fun to do some editing and  your own customized things look more good( at least to yourself ).
 To start customizing Windows Media Player's background ,or if you are more creative you can even change the whole look of it, all you need is listed below:

 Indirect method for advanced users

1) Windows 7 with WMP 12 installed.

2) A .dll editing software such as ResHacker, Resource tuner, Resource editor,etc.

That would be all, lets begin and good luck!
I will use resource tuner as it is easy to do with you may use any other, I had some problem doing it with ResHacker so I am not using it.To do it with the easy way if you are a standard user see the direct method at the end of article.


1) Find wmploc.dll and open it in Resource Tuner.The default location of wmploc.dll is C:\WINDOWS\System32.

2) Now , From the left pane, Click on and expand 257 and then find LIBRARY_BACKGROUND7.PNG .

3) Double click on LIBRARY_BACKGROUND7.PNG , a new window will open.All you have to do is to just select a new image that you want as your background image.

Click on the button with a folder image, just below your default( or the last image you customized) image.

4) Now select any image you want to be as your new Library background image.Then click on Open.
 5) If you are satisfied with it then go to file and then click on Save As. Name it wmploc, and save it with the extension .dll ( its important).Save it anywhere you want.
 6) Now you are nearly done with it.Just go to C:\WINDOWS\System32\ and replace it with the original one, if you want then you can also make a backup  of the original one.

Note : You may face some problems in replacing it with the original file because of the permissions, I mean that you won't have the permission ,by default, to replace it with the original.For most of the system file you don't have permission to edit or to do any thing to them.To learn more and find a solution visit this article.

 Direct method

If don't want to do any editing and just change the background directly, you can use some pre-edited wmplocs by me.
1) See the list below,
2) Download any of them
3) Extract and replace with original one.
Note : You may face some problems in replacing it with the original file because of the permissions, I mean that you won't have the permission ,by default, to replace it with the original.For most of the system file you don't have permission to edit or to do any thing to them.To learn more and find a solution visit this article.

  1. Lavendar flower.
  2. Kuai Huwai.
  3. Silt Colorado.
  4. Modern Warfare 2.
  5. Humpback Whale (dual image).
  6. Butterfly 1(dual image ).

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