How to change Drive\folder background?

Yeah! right, it actually is possible to change the background image of a drive or a folder.When I experimented it on Windows XP it worked on the first try.But When I tried this on Windows 7 it didn't worked even after a hundred times, but it finally worked with some miracle.

 So now I will guide you through all the process to set an image as background of a drive or folder.

For Windows XP

All you need to do is to perform some configuration, write some code and save it, make the computer process it automatically.And its very easy to do.Just follow the steps below:

1. Open Notepad.
2. Type the following exactly:


3. Press enter to goto next line.
4.  Now we will give the location of the image.To do this type the following:
     iconarea_image=location of image 

For example, if the image is located somewhere outside the drive/folder whose background you want to set.For instance if the image is in the folder 'abc' in drive C, and the image name is img.jpg ;

Second example, if the image is in the same drive/folder whose background you want to change.For instance the drive is D ;

5. After giving the location, press enter to go to next line.
6. Now we are going to give the icon's text i-e its name, a color.By default the icon's text is black so if there is some problem in seeing the text you can follow this step, else just leave it. So to do this type following:

           iconarea_text=(color code in hexadecimal)  

You can use color any of your choice, but specify it in its hexadecimal code.Some of the codes are given below:
      Deep pink=0xFF1493 

For example, if setting text colour to Red, the code will be:


7. Now save the file as desktop.ini, in the drive or folder whose background you want to change.
And its all done! 

For Windows 7

 Manual method

So lets begin for Windows 7.Its a little bit hard, but similar.

1. Download and apply this registry tweak. To remove it use this.
2. Open Notepad, and type the following in the first line exactly:


3. Press enter. In the next line we give the location of the image. The same rules apply as were of XP.

  IconArea_Image=location\address of image
4. Now type following, or just skip it:


5.Next we give the text colors. In Windows 7, you have to give a color combination of Red Green and Blue or RGB. A good color value would be between 1 and 255, the more near to 255 will make it brighter.Type the following:

TextR=(Red value)
TextG=(Green value)
TextB=(Blue value)

For example, the following will set the text color to bright red.


You can mix colors by trying different combinations.

6. Now save the file as desktop.ini in the drive or folder you want.And its all done!
Note: After applying the registry tweak, you may have to restart your computer.

Without Coding method

1. Download this, a software by WindowsClub. Or this one, by Ave's vista stuff.
2. Install any one of them.
3. Restart your computer.
4. And then use them.
Note: They may work or not 

Hope you like it!